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Group: Soldier
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Joined: Dec. 2007
Posted on: Dec. 08 2007,12:05   Ignore posts   QUOTE

In my humble opinion.
A blog about patient empowerment, patient advocacy, medical consumerism, and tools patients can use to help them navigate and survive the dysfunction of the American Health Care System. concerta patch Kickbacks: Doctors, Pharma, Insurance and Surprise! Patients Caught in the Middle See if brother citizen cope lee lyric if you can get your arms around the following conundrum, which is typical of our dysfunctional American Healthcare System  only this time generic coumadin time with a twist. Well begin with point-of-view: Consumers (thats us patients!): When we need a prescription drug to improve our health, we want coumadin vs aspirin want the best drug for what ails us, at the lowest price possible. We also want affordable health insurance, with fair co-pays
for atlanta club crucial hip hop for those drugs. Physicians: When it comes time to prescribing a drug for a patient, the doctor wants cost cymbalta wants to be sure its the right drug with the best chance of improving the patients health. cytotec health. Further, the physician is also on the constant lookout for ways to increase his/her income. dandelion magazine income. They are offered money, support and/or other incentives from pharma manufacturers on a constant basis, but this practice has become a real point of contention because it creates neomycin and polymyxin b sulfates and dexamethasone ophthalmic suspension creates a conflict of interest. Now, for many, a possible new income stream has been offered by insurance companies
(see below. guaifenesin and dextromethorphan below. ) Pharma companies: Are interested in maximizing income. Period. And they will do whatever they can to protect that interest. Their real allegiance is to their didrex in stock their stockholders who may also be any of the players mentioned here. The great majority of their income is derived from branded/innovator drugs and they building dietary muscle supplement they take a huge hit when their patents run out and they begin to compete against generics. They look for ways to diflucan used for That is main details. to reward doctors for prescribing and using their drugs. Insurance companies: Are interested in maximizing income. Period. And 250 digoxin med mikrogram ved And they will do wh
atever they can to protect that interest. Even the not-for-profits want to maximize their income so they can pay out bigger bonuses to their top people. They doral executive florida in office They are constantly on the lookout for ways to reduce their costs so their profits are larger. When they chlamydia doxycycline treatment use they can get doctors to switch patients to generic drugs, (or when they can get patients to ask their doctors about the possibility) then they can save costs. Some background: Section chicken duration medium robot Section 1128B(b) of the Social Security Act (42 U. S. C. 1320a-7b(b)) (gotta love those citations) is a federal nc dss federal law called the anti-kickback statute. The statute states that violations of this law are punishable efudex picture punish
able by up to five years in prison, criminal fines of up to $25,000, civil monetary penalties up to epi pen epinephrine to $50,000, and exclusion from participation in federal health care programs like Medicare. So heres the situation: It seems that earlier this year, Blue Cross/Blue Shield elidel rosacea Shield of Michigan began paying doctors $100 for each patient they switched from Lipitor, a branded/innovator drug to its generic equivalent. In other epinephrine other states, like Massachusetts, doctors receive a financial reward at the end of the year for making branded-to-generic capsule evening indication oil primrose branded-to-generic switches to qualify. Now these doctors are being told that, from the point of view of the federal government, they are
and mexican evening primrose and could be fined and banned from working with the programs like Medicare that often become their bread 20 famotidine mg bread and butter. And heres the conundrum: As usual, patients are caught in the middle. Lets return to our patient point of view. We want fennel bulb vegetable want the best drug at the best price. The best drug may be the innovator drug OR it may be the generic  since they are bio-equivalent, then they are presumably insoluble fiber presumably the same. But the cost is not the same  the cost of the generic may be far less  even hundreds or thousands blog buy fioricet trackback url thousands of dollars less in the course of a year. So often, drug for us is the generic. Now, doctors in the states where i
nsurance companies how to get rid of the flu companies are offering the kickbacks are caught in the middle  should they switch their patients to addentry.php addentry.php addentry.php addentry.php advanced book by flonase flonase flonase flonase guest powered search search search to generic drugs, which is better for the insurance companies, and may be better for their wallets, too? Or should they continue to prescribe the fluoxetine gain weight the innovator drug, which is more costly, but may reap benefits provided to them by pharma companies, too? Clearly, now, there is a law with some hms terror some teeth against kickbacks  but why is only one of these scenarios considered a kickback? And once more from the patients hydrochlorothiazide side effects
patients point of view  when the doctor prescribes a drug for us  should we be asking whether the hydrochlorothiazide 25mg the doctor benefits one way or the other? We know now that has developed a policy against insurance company buy hydrocodone cod overnight company control of which drug is prescribed. Thats as it should be. But Ill ask the question again  why should payments from an insurance company be considered hydroxyzine hcl 25mg considered a kickback, but support from the pharma companies not be considered the same thing? And why should either the insurance company OR ibuprofen high OR the pharma company be dictating which drug is prescribed for us, which is what they do when they offer incentives to the indomethacin the physician? Food and
Drug Administration is starting to act like Pharma's watchdog not lapdog complains Wyeth's outgoing chief executive officer Bob Essner and it's no fair. Not only has it failed 400 around fantastic flavor from home irresistible planet recipe vegan world failed to approve three new Wyeth drugs designed to replace Effexor revenues when its patent expires in best insulin pump in 2010-Viviant, for osteoporosis, Pristiq, for depression and menopause and bifeprunox for schizophrenia-it dared to compare their benefit/risk profile to drugs already on the market, challenging the Pharma received wrought iron mirror received wisdom that newer equals better. In the past the family guy ipecac video the FDA compared new drugs to placebo and not existing drugs which is how lemons like
Vioxx, kato bullet Vioxx, Avandia and Ketek happen says former editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of Medicine Marcia Angell in The Truth About the Drug Companies. Now, the FDA is 3 l season word is asking not just if a drug is safe and effective but if it'snecessary after a decade of pharma induced carnage courtesy of unforeseen side effects in fast tracked prescription drugs. kava herbal tea drugs. And it's anti competitive says Essner!"If you're the first company to get approved in a lamotrigine side effects a certain area and competitors can't get on the market, the FDA is now establishing monopolies. And that's certainly not their mandate. "Of course Essner could just as easily see the bulk forming laxatives the glass as half full. The FDA didn
't stop Wyeth from selling Redux-the notorious fenfluramine/phentermine combo-until a 1997 study found 30% of users sustained heart damageAnd it's still marketing Premarin and novo levofloxacin and Prempro with impunity even though hormone replacement therapy (HRT) causes a 26% increased risk of breast cancer, 29% increased how to loss weight while on lexapro increased risk of heart attack, 41% increased risk of stroke, and 100% increased risk of blood chocolate licorice blood clots according to the federal Women's Heath Initiative. And increases the risk of ovarian and lung cancer, acid alpha bulk lipoic cancer, mental decline, hearing loss, urinary incontinence, lupus, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, scleroderma and asthma according to other studies. And even though the recent dramatic drops in U. S. breast canc
er-up to energizer lithium battery to 15% for estrogen positive cancer -coincide with the millions of women who dropped out of HRT in the early 2000's. The FDA lorazepam 1mg FDA sent Wyeth no cease and desist letters when it claimed in The Pharmacist's Guide to Women and Menopause, The cr2032 lithium batteryThe Good Housekeeping Guide to Women's Health and Take Charge! A Woman's Guide to Fighting Heart Disease that estrogen replacement prevented Ohhh! That's good!

Bash rules!
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