Forum: Briefing
Topic: Hellow fellows
started by: photoman

Posted by photoman on Oct. 21 2007,07:06
I've been watching here for a while and members here seem to be much nicer than other communities I've been at, so, from now on this will be my home.

I am from Wyoming. I'm learning photography since I need a hobby that got me outside and away from playing games on my PC or visiting any < free single dating site > all the time, you know, a<  adult dating service > can be as addictive as any video game, believe me, I've seen (and tryied) thousands and not one< adult dating online service > but, I was telling you about my pictures...I pretty much only take pictures of flowers and parks, but now I'm going to start shooting people (w/ a camera).

Well i think that's some info about me, feel free to check my profile if you like.. I can always use some good models if you are nearby.

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